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Meet Our Leadership Team

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Pastors Mark & Sherry Adams

Mark and Sherry have been pastoring in west Edmonton for the last thirty years.  Mark has a Ph.D in historical theology  and is an author of three books. Mark is committed to the  passionate pursuit of what Jesus envisioned when he said, “I will build my church. Sherry has travelled internationally as a conference speaker and is the former President of the Edmonton and Area Ministerial Association. She carries a unique mantle to convey the heart of the Lord with passion and power. 

Pastor Gord Hancock

Known for a determined pursuit of Jesus, the great lover of his soul, Gord carries a unique prophetic gift which makes him sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit in the corporate worship setting and  in prayer ministry for individuals. Gord and his wife are parents of two young adult children, who are both passionate worshippers and lovers of God.

Pastors Arthur & Sujani

Arthur and Sujani are known for their selfless service, humble demeanour and their pure-hearted devotion to the Lord.  Their prophetic gifts and evangelistic lifestyle have been used in different cultural contexts to see people come to the Lord and the church built up.  Arthur and Sujani lead by example and are well-respected both in and outside the church.

6315 199 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB

 780 705 9200

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